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Staff Panic Buttons and Alerts

Municipalities across the US were starting to require all hotel workers to carry panic buttons. Some of these on site location systems started at $250,000 and could go well beyond $500,000 or more depending on the size of the property. We quickly developed a safe and low cost mobile web app that could also provide indisputable video evidence and be implemented instantly across all properties.

Panic Button Use Case

Web Applications, the all in one Solution

  • Our web application required employees to start any tasks they were working on for time tracking. Using this we were able to store on every click where their approximate and last location was on the property.
  • Implemented panic buttons at the top and bottom of all our mobile web apps user interfaces for all employees.
  • When pressed the front desk immediately received an automated phone call with the employees name and their last location. The information was also displayed on the desktop applications interface as well as a loud audible alarm that was required to be acknowledged.
  • All employees logged into the app also received push notifications to their mobile phones. Additional designated employees could also receive text messages and automated phone calls.
  • The mobile web app automatically activated the phones video recorder and begin streaming audio and video every second to our Amazon S3 storage. This also ensured all evidence was instantly preserved if the phone was taken or destroyed.
  • Managers were immediately able to view, download, and save every panic alert recording.

Customer Results

  • Many municipalities added mobile phone panic alerts to existing or new ordinances for protecting hospitality staff safety.
  • This saved many of our customers hundreds of thousands of dollars in costs and could be implemented instantly across all their properties.
  • We did not track any panic buttons usage metrics due to privacy concerns.

Turn Your Vision, Into Reality.

We have the experience and technical skills necessary you'll need to deliver

Reliable Scalable
Performance SaaS Systems
& Web Applications

Contact Us

We're always available to help so feel free to reach out to us anytime! We're happy to answer any questions and our initial consultations are always free.

We look forward to discussing your project with you and to begin exceeding all your expectations.

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Our Primary Services

Web Application Development

Full Stack
Results Driven
24/7 Systems Web Apps Link Icon

SaaS Systems

Lower Costs
Better Builds
Faster ROI
Investor Grade SaaS Link Icon

Custom Software

Easy to Use
Cost Effective
Proven Results Custom Software Link Icon

AWS Cloud

24x7 Monitoring
Security AWS Cloud Link Icon


Private Equity
Partnerships Startups Link Icon

Project Use Cases

Smart Texting Solutions

How an idea evolved and innovated an industry. Smart Texting Use Case Link Icon

Staff Panic Buttons

We developed a better solution for improving staff safety. Panic Buttons Use Case Link Icon

Mobile Push Alerts

How we harness the full potential of mobile web apps. Custom Software Link Icon

Smart SMS Chatbots

Taking existing web apps to the next level. Custom Software Link Icon

Go Local Austin Texas   © 2013 C3Solutionware
  Austin, Texas

We are a Results Driven Full Stack Web Applications, AWS Cloud Systems, and SaaS Custom Software Development company based in Austin, Texas. We specialize in Cost-Effective Quality Custom Web Development, AWS Cloud Systems, and SaaS Software Solutions with over 25 years of technical, development, and analytical experience building business critical applications of any size and scope from concept to 24/7 cloud production systems.


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